Bogost Article

I thought that this article was very well structured and written. He started out by informing us about what is going on in the automated vehicle industry today, and what he thinks the industry is moving towards in the near future. The way he uses descriptive phrases definitely kept me engaged while reading this. He also discusses how the rise in this form of technology will impact our lives. The article was very descriptive and provided me with great imagery, however, he did describe someplace that I was unfamiliar with such as the Arizona State campus where the automated Uber’s operate around. I also like how he provided some minute details that I did not really think would have an effect in this industry. I would have never thought that the color of the care being slate- gray would ever impact how potential consumers would feel about this product.

Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities is a more modern form of communicating information which takes into account more computational and technological methods as opposed to traditional methods. It concerns itself with collaboration methods in order to show how digital technology can benefit the user and enhance the user’s experience overall.